Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Kota of Many Colors

Mt. Kinabalu is the tallest mountain in Southeast Asia. Located in Sabah, north Borneo, the peak reaches a height of 4,095 meters. Some 1500 meters in its slope lies Mt. Kinabalu Park. This was where my wife and I, together with our friend, Ralf Nabong, decided to go birding. This will be a first for us to visit this place. A place teeming with birds, most of which will be new to us. We were not disappointed.

Just within the vicinity of our hotel, a rainbow of avian delights displayed before our awe-struck eyes. Here then for your viewing pleasure are some examples:


Indigo Flycatcher

Snowy-browed Flycatcher

Velvet-fronted Nuthatch


Golden-naped Barbet

Black-capped White-eye

Short-tailed Green Magpie


Bornean Whistler

Yellow-breasted Warbler

Mountain Leaf Warbler


Grey-chinned Minivet

Temminck's Sunbird

How about a combination of colors?

Mountain Tailorbird

Black-sided Flowerpecker

Don't forget the browns, the greys and the blacks:

Eyebrowed Jungle Flycatcher

Bornean Treepie

Grey-throated Babbler

Chestnut-crested Yuhina

Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush

Bornean Whistling Thrush

Hair-crested Drongo

It was wonderful seeing all these colorful birds. Just as Joseph's father gave him a coat of many colors, so did our Father gave us a Kota of many colors.


NatureFootstep said...

wow, so many gorgeous birds. I would have loved it a lot.

Great shots on all of them too. You were lucky. :)

mick said...

A magnificent array of colors in the birds, Bob. Most of them look very exotic and different from the usual ones here. Thanks for sharing.