It had been close to a month since I was released from the hospital after a minor surgery. I would like to think that I am fully recovered now although I had been taking things via the cautionary route. I thought I would not be able to do any birding until after this year was over - what with the admonition of my doctor not to do some heavy lifting (such as a tripod+camera+long lens) and not to over exert in physical activities (such as walking up and down long narrow trails).
When my wife announced that we would be going to Antipolo because she needed to discuss something with our friends who live there, I thought it might be a good opportunity to see whether I can now return to pursuing my hobby of bird photography. After all, birding at a subdivision would only be merely driving around, stop where a bird was spotted, and take photos oftentimes without even leaving the car. We've birded this place many times before and we discovered that there are quite a number of species in this residential area in the mountains.
We were not disappointed! Long-tailed Shrikes seem to be everywhere!
Scaly-breasted Munias were quite abundant too.
It was early morning and the White-breasted Woodswallows were just beginning to stir from their crowded roost.
There were several surprises that day. Like this Tawny Grassbird.
A Blue-throated Bee-eater was nonchalantly hunting for breakfast right next to the flock of Munias.
The presence of a Grey-streaked Flycatcher was also unexpected.
Interesstingly the Spotted Dove was a bit more skittish and preferred the electric wires instead of its usual foraging on the ground.
We saw other birds too but were just not able to take their photos. One in particular was when we were about to leave. The general shape and size and even coloring indicated that it could be a thrush. Unfortunately it didn't stay long enough for us to get a positive ID. Our birding day ended not unlike one of those movies where the ending left you hanging.
Well, the toe had been dipped. I think it is safe to say that I can now submerge myself in the pool.
Adventurous Cattle Egret
1 week ago
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