Monday, July 02, 2018

Thanks to the Parrots

It was a short unproductive trip to Infanta last Saturday. The skies were gloomy and the birds were scarce. Despite that we still had some good encounters. There was this Sulphur-billed Nuthatch that kept on creeping and hopping all over the branches looking for insects.

Then a mixed flock flew by but we only had a good shot of the Blue-headed Fantail. The Elegant Tits and Yellowish white-eyes were just so quick or behind the leaves most of the time.

We finally got to the place where the hagimit tree was fruiting. I set up my tripod and waited for the birds to come. It seemed that the Orange-bellied Flowerpecker bullied the others because it was the only flowerpecker we saw.

A flash of green and a Colasisi flew in and feasted on the red berries.

Cynthia then waved at me and pointed to another green bird on her side of the tree. It was a guaiabero also enjoying the bountiful fruits.

Then rain fell. We stood under an umbrella hoping it would soon abate. After 30 minutes it even became a heavy downpour. It only made sense to call it a day. It was still raining heavily when we reached the town of Tanay so we both agreed that we made the right decision.

It would have been a disappointing birding trip but thanks to the bright green colors of two endemic parrots that saved our day.

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