Nowadays my birding activities are being relegated to the background. Of course, the much needed heavy rain last Saturday morning made that decision a lot easier. Despite my wife's suggestions that we do our bird photography after the rain stopped, I just didn't have the enthusiasm for it. (And to think that there were some birds that can be twitched - the Magnolia Warbler in Sepulveda, for example).
What remained forefront in my mind was that three weeks from now I will be out of work. The current slump in the housing industry forced the company that I work for to take some drastic measures. One of which was to offer a "Voluntary Severance" package to those who would want to leave willingly. After much prayer and deliberation, I decided to take up the offer. I already informed my supervisor about my decision last Friday and tomorrow, Monday, I will be submitting the signed contract which will make my departure on Oct. 15th official.
This decision was punctuated by a sad incident that happened last night. Cynthia and I attended the 60th birthday party of one of her friends. As in any Filipino gathering, the food was sumptuous and the company vibrant. We left after a couple of hours since we still have a long way to drive. Today, Sunday, we learned that one of Cynthia's friends who was there at the party, Raul Roa, suffered a stroke later that night. The presence of mind of some of the party-goers saved his life although he is now in a self-induced coma and being observed at Kaiser Permanente.
Which made my choice to quit my job even more timely. At least for now, I will be free from the stress of the daily grind - which has been happening quite frequently lately - and benefit from the generosity of Indymac Bank. Life is short, and the Good Lord, in His great mercy and faithfulness, has given me this opportunity to take a most welcome respite and enjoy His blessings.
Soli Deo Gloria!
Juvenile Purple Gallinule
17 hours ago