Finally, after battling with a cold and coughing for one whole week, I was able to get out and bird last Monday. Peck Road Water Conservation Plant (aka Peck Pit) hosted a few interesting species lately, one of which, the Lucy’s Warbler, would be a lifer for me.
As in many, many times before, I had two “angels” to guide me in finding my target bird. Steve and Becky first showed me another uncommon visitor to the area, the Blackpoll Warbler high up in the sycamores by the picnic area. It was a yearlist bird for me.
We then moved to the northern part of the park and thanks to Steve’s sharp ears, we were able to locate the Lucy’s darting in and out of a willow tree. It was a very active tiny bird, moving incessantly from branch to branch and occasionally flying off to the trees near the water’s edge (and therefore inaccessible) that I wasn’t able to get a single photograph of it. Nonetheless, I was quite happy at seeing another lifer.