The pain on my knees, particularly the left one, was excruciating. We were trudging along the trail in a small village in the town of Coron in Palawan province. Our very eager guide, Erwin, had been pointing out birds left and right, oftentimes disregarding my complaints that I can't walk fast enough to be where he wanted me to be. Since he was the one carrying my gear (my camera and 500mm lens mounted on a tripod), he usually would point the camera towards the bird he saw and sometimes even sneak in a couple of shots of his own while waiting for me to arrive at the scene. Which I didn't really mind at all because Cynthia who was more agile and carried a lighter set of camera equipment, was always next to him and was also shooting at the same subject herself.
We spent about a day and a half birding with Erwin at the same village where he lives. From that brief foray, Cynthia and I racked up not so few lifers. Twenty-five in all, as a matter of fact. It was definitely worth enduring the seemingly endless ache on my knee. Not to mention the hot and humid weather that prevailed on both days.
Here are a few of what we photographed:
Ruddy Kingfisher
Blue-eared Kingfisher
Chestnut-breasted Malkoha
Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher
Common Flameback
Palawan Blue Flycatcher
Hooded Pitta
Black-naped Monarch
There were places in Coron that we still haven't explored of which Erwin assured us that there were even more birds. We promised we will come back.
But first I have to wait for my torn knee ligament to heal. *Sigh*For other (less painful?) birding blogs and photographs, please visit: